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Information About me
Ha Xuan Son is an Associate Lecturer at Blockchain Enabled Business, SGS Campus, RMIT University. Before joining RMIT, he was a Marie Curie Fellow in Real-time Analytics for Internet of Sports (RAIS) project under the profession of Prof. Elena Ferrari and Prof. Barbara Carminati at the University of Insubria, Varese, Italy . During the research period, he has had a history of practical experience working with professors from the world's top universities, including the USA (MIT, Harvard University); UK (Cambridge University); Sweden (KTH); Italy (UNITN); and Cyprus (UCY). His research interests are in Security, Data privacy, and Blockchain fields. He is the author, co-author of more than 30 scientific articles appeared in about 20 conferences and journals in Security and Privacy fields. He is also currently serving as a reviewer for several journals, such as Future Generation Computer Systems, Computers & Electrical Engineering, Journal Cloud Computing, Springer Computing Journal, International Journal of Medical Informatics as well as conferences such as ASONAM 2021; CODASPY 2022; ICDCS 2022.
Years of
2023 - Onward
Associate Lecturer - Blockchain-Enabled Business, SGS Campus, RMIT University
Head of department: Dr. Thanh-Binh Nguyen
Forecasting and Quantitative Analysis (Sem I - 2023)
2019 – 2023
Researcher and Developer - University of Insubria, Italy
Advisor: Prof. Elena Ferrari and Prof. Barbara Carminati
Real-time Analytics for Internet of Sports (RAIS), under grant agreement No 813162, funded by Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks
Cyber security competence for research and innovation, under grant agreement No 830927 (CONCORDIA), funded by H2020 Research and Innovation program
NodeJS, Android platform, natural language processing, static analysis, dynamic analysis, homomorphic encryption, trusted execution environment, edge computing, BERT.
Jan – Jun 2022
Researcher and Developer - Kinetic Analysis, Netherland
Advisor: Prof. Elena Ferrari, Prof. Barbara Carminati, and Dr. Maarten Gijssel
Balancing between privacy-preserving analysis and convenience-service providing for motion data in the Hockey field
NodeJS, python, homomorphic encryption, trusted execution environment, Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network.
Jun – Sep 2021
Researcher and Developer - Belfer center, Harvard Kennedy school, Harvard University, USA
Advisor: Prof. Elena Ferrari and Dr. Julia Voo
Determining whether China uses Twitter to stimulate tensions between Europe and the United States in the period surrounding the 2020 Presidential election
NodeJS, NLP, Twitter API, Word2Vec, BERT, NLP Stanford parser, Python
Jan – Jun 2021
Researcher and Developer - Internet Computing Lab (LInC), University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Advisor: Prof. Elena Ferrari, Prof. Barbara Carminati, and Prof. George Pallis
Privacy-preserving data transfer according to user privacy preferences
NodeJS, Fogify, trusted execution environment, fog computing
2015 – 2019
Researcher and Developer - D-STAR Lab, Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology, Vietnam
Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Tran Khanh Dang
Developing a Storage Model and Access Control Method for Big Data Management Systems in Universities (2015 – 2018), funded by DoST–CT
A new generation access control model for privacy preserving in NoSQL Document data (2018 – 2019), funded by VNUHCM
Feb – Jul 2017
RESEARCHER AND DEVELOPER - Security Lab, DISI, University of Trento, Italy
Advisor: Prof. Fabio Massacci
FuturesMEX - A research experiment on Secured Distributed Futures Market Exchange based on a Blockchain framework.
Scientific topics:
Market exchange, anonymous communications, zero-knowledge, blockchain, multi-party computation
Java, C++, Zero knowledge proof, MPC, Hyperledger Fabric, Vagrant, Blockchain
2013 – 2019
Lecturer - Cantho University of Technology, Vietnam
Algorithm (2013 – 2015), Operating System (2017 – 2019), Clean Code (2018 – 2019)
2018 – 2019
Visiting Lecturer - FPT University, Can Tho campus, Vietnam
Database System (2018 – 2019), Operating System (2018 – 2019)
2015 – 2017
TEACHING ASSISTANT - Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology, Vietnam
Manage at Advanced Computing Lab (AC - Lab)
Advanced Database System (2015 – 2016)
Individual privacy preferences
User-centric management system
Data privacy
Trusted execution environment
Privacy-preserving computation
Machine learning
Data privacy
Android S&P analysis
Privacy-preserving computation
Static and dynamic analysis
Blockchain design
Environment configuration
Time management
Willingness to explore new topics
Adapting to new environment
2019 - 2022
PhD student in Computer Science – Marie Curie Fellow - University of Insubria, Italy - RAIS project
Advisor: Prof. Elena Ferrari and Prof. Barbara Carminati
FEB – JUL 2017
Advisor: Prof. Fabio Massacci and Dr. Nam Ngo
Research Project:
2015 – 2017
M.Sc. in Computer Science - Ho Chi Minh city University of Technology (HCMUT), Vietnam
Advisor: Assoc. Prof. Tran Khanh Dang
9.18/10 (Ranked 1st in Computer Science in the master course)
‘Research and Development the Access Control Model for Big Data’. Grade 10/10
2009 – 2013
B.E. in Software Engineering - Cantho University (CTU), Vietnam
Supervisor: M.Sc. Vo Huynh Tram
3.69/4 (Ranked 1st in Software Engineering Faculty, Cantho University, Vietnam)
‘Development of the Caro algorithm on HTML5 and CSS3’. Grade 4.0/4.0
My ActivitiesMy Work
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” – Mother Teresa
Workshop activities for study
My Charity activities for community
Supporting people blocked during the Covid-19 pandemic

Building bridges and roads

Distributing gifts to disadvantaged areas

Follow more about my charity activities at: My charity activities
My Heart letter for community charity
Dear Sponsors,
I am a Vietnames. Currently, Vietnam is a developing country, and our homeland still has a lot of people who need help. Along with many friends, my wife and I are the founders of the charity group "Green Road". We have posted fundraising activities from benefactors from all over the world who read this content or our Facebook friends. Please feel free to share. We have activities to build shelters for the poor, raise money to buy milk and food for children, plant forests and trees, build roads and bridges in disadvantaged rural areas, help people isolated in quarantine areas due to Covid-19, and many other calls. $1 can help a meal for the whole family/day.
If you are a supporter, check out the activities we post on the personal Facebook pages of me, my wife, or my friends . All activities are posted publicly. The content is in Vietnamese but can be quickly translated by using Facebook's translation tool. Information on how to contribute is also included with each activity.
For further support please send to:
Bank of Vietnam
0111000273282 - Account owner Tran Thi Be Tuyen. - Vietcombank Can Tho branch.
01973473501 - Account owner Ha Xuan Son. - TP Bank Can Tho branch.
European Bank
IBAN IT36A0567617295IB0001099507 - Account owner Ha Xuan Son - Italy
IBAN LT33 3250 0135 6176 1147 - Account owner Trung Nghia Duong
We appreciate your time, sympathy and money. Thank you for reading, sharing and contributing.
Green Road Group - "Green Road" Group
Bức tâm thư của tôi cho hoạt động vì cộng đồng
Kính gửi các nhà tài trợ,
Tôi là một người con Việt Nam. Hiện tại, Việt Nam là một đất nước đang phát triển, và quê hương của chúng tôi vẫn còn rất nhiều người cần sự giúp đỡ. Cùng với nhiều bạn bè, tôi và vợ tôi là những người sáng lập nhóm thiện nguyện "Con đường xanh". Chúng tôi đã đăng các hoạt động quyên góp từ các nhà hảo tâm từ khắp nơi trên thế giới, những người đọc nội dung này hoặc bạn bè trên Facebook của chúng tôi. Xin vui lòng chia sẻ. Chúng tôi có các hoạt động xây dựng mái ấm cho người nghèo, quyên góp tiền mua sữa và thực phẩm cho trẻ em, giúp đỡ các bệnh nhân cần giúp đỡ, trồng rừng và cây xanh, xây cầu đường ở những vùng nông thôn khó khăn, giúp đỡ những người bị cô lập trong khu vực cách ly do Covid-19, và rất nhiều lời kêu gọi khác. 1 đô la có thể giúp một bữa ăn cho cả gia đình.
Nếu bạn là một người ủng hộ, hãy xem những hoạt động mà chúng tôi đăng tải trên trang Facebook cá nhân của tôi, vợ tôi, hoặc bạn bè tôi . Mọi hoạt động đều được đăng tải ở chế độ công khai. Nội dung bằng tiếng Việt nhưng có thể dịch nhanh bằng công cụ dịch của Facebook. Thông tin về cách đóng góp cũng được đính kèm trong mỗi hoạt động.
Mọi chi tiết ủng hộ xin gửi về:
Ngân hàng Việt Nam
0111000273282 - Chủ TK Trần Thị Bé Tuyền - Ngân hàng Vietcombank chi nhánh Cần Thơ.
01973473501 - Chủ TK Hà Xuân Sơn. - Ngân hàng TP Bank chi nhánh Cần Thơ.
Ngân hàng Châu Âu
IBAN IT36A0567617295IB0001099507 - Chủ TK Hà Xuân Sơn - Ý
IBAN LT33 3250 0135 6176 1147 - Chủ TK Dương Trung Nghĩa - Châu Âu
Chúng tôi đánh giá cao thời gian, sự thông cảm và tiền bạc của bạn. Cảm ơn bạn đã đọc, chia sẻ và đóng góp.
Nhóm Con Đường Xanh - Nhóm "con đường xanh"
My PublicationsMy Publications
My Passion for Research and Science
"A monument to Newton! a monument to Shakespeare! Look up to Heaven—look into the Human Heart. Till the planets and the passions–the affections and the fixed stars are extinguished—their names cannot die." - John Wilson
Follow my publishing at: Ha Xuan Son - Google scholar
All | Since 2017 | |
Citations | 314 | 307 |
h-index | 12 | 12 |
i10-index | 15 | 15 |
My citation in google scholar - 2022
Explore my PublicationsExplore my Publications
Authors: HT Le, LNT Thanh, HK Vo, HH Luong, KNH Tuan, TD Anh, KHN Vuong, ...
Conference: International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing: Applications and Technologies.
Publisher: International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing: Applications …, 2022.
Authors: KL Quoc, HK Vo, LH Huong, KH Gia, KT Dang, HL Van, NH Huu, ...
SSSB: An Approach to Insurance for Cross-Border Exchange by Using Smart Contracts
Conference: International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems.
Publisher: International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems …, 2022.
Authors: NTT Quynh, HX Son, TH Le, HND Huy, KH Vo, HH Luong, KNH Tuan, ...
Toward a design of blood donation management by blockchain technologies
Conference: International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications.
Publisher: International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, 78-90, 2021.
Authors: TTL Nguyen, HK Vo, HH Luong, HTK Nguyen, AT Dao, XS Ha
Toward a unique IoT network via single sign-on protocol and message queue
Conference: International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management.
Publisher: International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial …, 2021.
Authors: LNT Thanh, HK Vo, HH Luong, KNH Tuan, AT Dao, HX Son
Toward a security IoT platform with high rate transmission and low energy consumption
Conference: International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications.
Publisher: International Conference on Computational Science and its Applications, 647-662, 2021.
Authors: HX Son, B Carminati, E Ferrari
A Risk Assessment Mechanism for Android Apps
Conference: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things (SmartIoT).
Publisher: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Smart Internet of Things (SmartIoT …, 2021.
Authors: XS Ha, TH Le, TT Phan, HHD Nguyen, HK Vo, N Duong-Trung
Scrutinizing trust and transparency in cash on delivery systems
Conference: International Conference on Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Computation, Communication and Storage.
Publisher: International Conference on Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Computation …, 2020.
Authors: XS Ha, HT Le, N Metoui, N Duong-Trung
Dem-cod: Novel access-control-based cash on delivery mechanism for decentralized marketplace
Conference: 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications (TrustCom).
Publisher: 2020 IEEE 19th International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in …, 2020.
Authors: HX Son, TH Le, NTT Quynh, HND Huy, N Duong-Trung, HH Luong
Conference: International Conference on Mobile, Secure, and Programmable Networking.
Publisher: International Conference on Mobile, Secure, and Programmable Networking, 44-56, 2020.
Authors: HT Huynh, N Duong-Trung, XS Ha, NQT Tang, HX Huynh, DQ Truong
Automatic Keywords-based Classification of Vietnamese Texts
Conference: 2020 RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication Technologies (RIVF).
Publisher: 2020 RIVF International Conference on Computing and Communication …, 2020.
Authors: HX Son, TK Dang, F Massacci
REW-SMT: a new approach for rewriting XACML request with dynamic big data security policies
Conference: International Conference on Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Computation, Communication and Storage.
Publisher: International Conference on Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Computation …, 2017.
Authors: QNT Thi, TK Dang, HL Van, HX Son
Using JSON to specify privacy preserving-enabled attribute-based access control policies
Conference: International Conference on Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Computation, Communication and Storage.
Publisher: International Conference on Security, Privacy and Anonymity in Computation …, 2017.
Authors: SH Xuan, LK Tran, TK Dang, YN Pham
Rew-xac: an approach to rewriting request for elastic abac enforcement with dynamic policies
Conference: 2016 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Applications (ACOMP).
Publisher: 2016 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Applications (ACOMP …, 2016.
Authors: NH Thuan, P Antunes, D Johnstone, HX Son
Building an Enterprise Ontology of Business Process Crowdsourcing: A Design Science Approach.
Conference: PACIS.
Publisher: PACIS, 112, 2015.
Authors: HT Le, TTL Nguyen, TA Nguyen, XS Ha, N Duong-Trung
BloodChain: A Blood Donation Network Managed by Blockchain Technologies
Journal: Network.
Publisher: Network 2 (1), 21-35, 2022.
Authors: LTT Nguyen, SX Ha, TH Le, HH Luong, KH Vo, KHT Nguyen, TA Dao, ...
Journal: PeerJ Computer Science.
Publisher: PeerJ Computer Science 8, e950, 2022.
Authors: HX Son, B Carminati, E Ferrari
A Risk Estimation Mechanism for Android Apps based on Hybrid Analysis
Journal: Data Science and Engineering.
Publisher: Data Science and Engineering, 1-11, 2022.
Authors: HT Le, KL Quoc, TA Nguyen, KT Dang, HK Vo, HH Luong, H Le Van, ...
Journal: Computers.
Publisher: Computers 11 (7), 113, 2022.
Authors: LNT Thanh, NN Phien, HK Vo, HH Luong, TD Anh, KNH Tuan, HX Son
UIP2SOP: a unique IoT network applying single sign-on and message queue protocol
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications.
Publisher: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 12 (6), 2021.
Authors: LNT Thanh, NN Phien, HK Vo, HH Luong, TD Anh, KNH Tuan, HX Son
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications.
Publisher: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 12 (7), 2021.
Authors: LNT Thanh, TA Nguyen, HK Vo, HH Luong, HTK Nguyen, AT Dao, XS Ha
Toward a unique iot network via single sign-on protocol and message queue
Journal: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management, Ełk, Poland.
Publisher: Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Information Systems …, 2021.
Authors: LNT Thanh, NN Phien, HK Vo, HH Luong, TD Anh, KNH Tuan, HX Son
Sip-MBA: a secure IoT platform with brokerless and micro-service architecture
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications.
Publisher: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 12 (7), 2021.
Authors: N Duong-Trung, N Quynh, T Tang, XS Ha
Interpretation of Machine Learning Models for Medical Diagnosis
Journal: Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal.
Publisher: Advances in Science, Technology and Engineering Systems Journal 5 (5), 469-477, 2020.
Authors: N Duong-Trung, QN Nguyen, DN Le Ha, XS Ha, TT Phan, HX Huynh
Genres and Actors/Actresses as Interpolated Tags for Improving Movie Recommender Systems
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications.
Publisher: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 11 (2), 2020.
Authors: TK Dang, XS Ha, LK Tran
XACs-DyPol: Towards an XACML-based Access Control Model for Dynamic Security Policy
Journal: arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.07160.
Publisher: arXiv preprint arXiv:2005.07160, 2020.
Authors: HX Son, E Chen
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications.
Publisher: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 10 (2), 2019.
Authors: NTT Le, QN Nguyen, NN Phien, N Duong-Trung, TT Huynh, TP Nguyen, ...
Assuring non-fraudulent transactions in cash on delivery by introducing double smart contracts
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications.
Publisher: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 10 (5 …, 2019.
Authors: HT Le, NTT Le, NN Phien, N Duong-Trung, HX Son, TT Huynh
Introducing multi shippers mechanism for decentralized cash on delivery system
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications.
Publisher: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 10 (6), 2019.
Authors: N Duong-Trung, XS Ha, TT Phan, PN Trieu, QN Nguyen, D Pham, ...
Multi-sessions mechanism for decentralized cash on delivery system
Journal: Int. J. Adv. Comput. Sci. Appl.
Publisher: Int. J. Adv. Comput. Sci. Appl 10 (9), 2019.
Authors: HX Son, MH Nguyen, NN Phien, HT Le, QN Nguyen, PT Tru, P Nguyen
Journal: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications.
Publisher: International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 10 (4), 2019.
Contact MeContact
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“There is no key to open the heart of another - except curiosity.” ― Stefan Molyneux
: RMIT University, SGS Campus, Vietnam
: Associate Lecturer at Blockchain-Enable Business
: PhD at DiSTA, University of Insubria, Italy
: English and VietNamese